General Java Tutorials
These tutorials focus on general tasks that may be experienced when working with the
Java programming language.
What is a JavaBean?
String versus StringBuffer
How do I list System properties?
How do I list System properties alphabetically?
How do I set System properties?
How do I convert a web page to a String?
How do I convert web page content without tags to a String?
How do I copy properties from one bean to another?
How do I run another application from Java?
How do I accept text input in a console application?
What's a quick way to output the values in an array?
How do I send an email in Java?
How do I receive email in Java?
How do I pass multiple values through a parameter using bitwise operations?
How do I use a host name to look up an IP address?
How do I encode URL parameters?
How do I decode URL strings?
How do I write a server socket that can handle input and output?
How do I make a socket connection to a server?
How do I connect to a URL using Basic authentication?
How do I create a Login Module?
Should I update my MessageDigest with byte arrays or one byte at a time?
How do I generate an MD5 digest for a web page?
How do I convert a byte array to hex?
How do I generate a random int in Java?
How do I sort an array of objects with a Comparator?
How do I display all available locales?
How do I set the default locale?
How do I set the default locale via System properties?
How do I use locales and resource bundles to internationalize my application?
How do I use NumberFormat to format doubles?
How do I use NumberFormat to format currencies?
How do I use NumberFormat to format a percent?
How do I display the currency for a locale?
How do I query a Whois server using a socket?
How do I query a Whois server using a socket from names in a text file?
How do I query the NIST Internet Time Service using the Network Time Protocol?
How do I query a Whois server using the Apache Commons Net library?
What's an easy way to access System Property information?
What's an easy way to get the user directory and user home directory?
How do I monitor times using a StopWatch?
How do I copy a String to the clipboard?
How do I get a String from the clipboard?
How do I convert an array to a list?
How do I convert a list to an array?
How do I display the environment variables?
How do I display Java bytecode?
Do Java methods use pass-by-reference or pass-by-value?
How do I use the break and continue statements?
What's the difference between a checked and an unchecked exception?
How do I chain exceptions?
How do I enable assertions?
How do I generate an MD5 digest for a String?
How do I sort a collection or array of strings?
How do I convert a JavaBean to an XML String using XMLEncoder?
How do I find the max and min values of primitive types?
How do I save an image from a URL to a file?
How do I determine the system's available fonts?
How do I perform a deep clone using Serializable?
How do I create a thread in Java?
How do I determine if a thread is alive or not?
How do I identify a thread?
How do I use Thread's join method?
How do I use a synchronized block in a static method?
StringBuffer versus StringBuilder
How do I synchronize a List or other Collection in Java?
How do I use the wait() and notify() methods?
How do I convert Chinese characters to their Latin equivalents?
What are the system Transliterators available with ICU4J?