How do I use a file?
Author: Deron Eriksson
Description: This tutorial describes how to use an Ant file.
Tutorial created using:
Windows XP || JDK 1.5.0_09 || Eclipse Web Tools Platform 1.5.1
A properties file allows you to move properties out of your build.xml file. This can be a useful way of extracting out and storing the configurable portions of the AntSW tasks that you create. To use a properties file in your Ant build.xml file, all you need to do is include a property in your build.xml file with the name of the properties file specified by the file attribute, as shown below: <property file="" /> The build.xml file used in this tutorial has the following targets: warW, ftpW, mail-upload-complete, and all. The 'war' target build the project's war file, 'ftp' uploads the war file to the server, and 'mail-upload-complete' sends an email to a local email server account notifying me that the war file has been uploaded to the server. The 'all' target executes 'war', 'ftp', and 'mail-upload-complete'. build.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="tomcat-demo" default="war" basedir="."> <property file="" /> <property name="war-file-name" value="${project-name}.war" /> <property name="source-directory" value="src" /> <property name="classes-directory" value="bin" /> <property name="web-directory" value="web" /> <property name="web-xml-file" value="web/WEB-INF/web.xml" /> <tstamp prefix="build-info"> <format property="current-date" pattern="d-MMMM-yyyy" locale="en" /> <format property="current-time" pattern="hh:mm:ss a z" locale="en" /> <format property="year-month-day" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd" locale="en" /> </tstamp> <property name="build-directory" value="build" /> <property name="ftp-remotedir" value="uploaded-wars/${project-name}/${build-info.year-month-day}" /> <target name="war" depends=""> <mkdir dir="${build-directory}" /> <delete file="${build-directory}/${war-file-name}" /> <war warfile="${build-directory}/${war-file-name}" webxml="${web-xml-file}"> <classes dir="${classes-directory}" /> <fileset dir="${web-directory}"> <!-- Need to exclude it since webxml is an attribute of the war tag above --> <exclude name="WEB-INF/web.xml" /> </fileset> <manifest> <attribute name="Built-By" value="${builder}" /> <attribute name="Built-On" value="${build-info.current-date}" /> <attribute name="Built-At" value="${build-info.current-time}" /> </manifest> </war> </target> <target name="ftp" depends="" description="upload war file to server"> <ftp server="${ftp-server}" remotedir="${ftp-remotedir}" userid="${ftp-userid}" password="${ftp-password}" action="mkdir" verbose="yes"> </ftp> <ftp server="${ftp-server}" remotedir="${ftp-remotedir}" userid="${ftp-userid}" password="${ftp-password}" action="send" verbose="yes" depends="yes"> <fileset file="${build-directory}/${war-file-name}" /> </ftp> </target> <target name="mail-upload-complete"> <mail from="" tolist="" subject="${war-file-name} was uploaded to the server" message="The ${war-file-name} file was uploaded to ${ftp-server} in ${ftp-remotedir}"/> </target> <target name="all" depends="war,ftp,mail-upload-complete"> </target> </project> (Continued on page 2) |